Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No More Denial

So I, Lydia (with secret last name), have come to the realization that I am fat. I am obese. I have a BMI of 31 according to the chart. My weight has gotten out of hand and I have reached a high of 190 lbs. (other then when I was pregnant). My face is chubby, my stomach hangs, and I don't feel self confident. Now I know that my weight or looks should not define who I am or how I feel...but they are a part of me, and I have let myself go. I used to be a skinny 135, strong, and fit as a fiddle. Yet, when I was that weight, I thought I was fat. If I had only known.

However, I am now determined to take my life back into my own hands. I have gotten lazy and let my life spiral downward. My house is in shambles, my job could be better, my schedule is hectic and sparatic, and my body is out-of-shape and overweight. It's time to change. I need order. I need discipline. I need to pull my life back together so I can be the best human I can be. I have strayed from God and need to follow the path back so I can be a witness for him. I was lost and didn't care for a while...and it shows in all these areas of life. I want to feel good about myself and the things I do. And so I am determined to do so. It won't be easy, and I can't do it on my own. I will be praying constently I'm sure, and wanting to slack off and give up...but I'm not going to let myself. It's time to take control and lose this weight. I think by doing this, I will be able to pull the rest of my life together one step at a time as I feel more confident about myself and my body. Please join me on this adventure as I try to go from 190 lbs to 135 lbs.

Current Weight: 190 lbs.
Goal Weight: 135 lbs. (but would be happy with 145 or so)